Friday, July 2, 2010

1st Anniversary!

Isn't crazy how as you get older, time seems to go by so much faster? I can't believe it has already been one year since Gavin and I got married. All in all the first year has been a blast. We have both learned to much about eachother and have become so close. He knows how to calm me down when I get frustrated and I have learned that even though he is big and strong, he still needs nurturing.

For our anniversary, I was lucky enough to get the day off of work. Gavin got stuck in Idaho in the operating room for work until four o'clock in the morning of our anniversary, so we didnt get to spend the morning together, but that's okay, life just happens sometimes. We headed down to salt lake, made a couple of coffee stops for some of Gavin's doctors and headed to the temple. The salt lake temple is amazing! It is so beautiful and historic I loved being there. After spending a few hours there, guess where we went for dinner? where else except Gavin's ultimate favorite place and the place we had our luncheon... Tucanos! Don't get me wrong I like the place too, but Gav is such a meat lover.

While we were eating, they servers brought around chicken heart! I was for sure not trying it, but Gav was brave enough to give it a shot. He said it wasnt that bad, but everytime he thought about it being a chicken heart he gagged.. haha.

Gaynard and Jill have a HUGE tree in their yard. It so nice to have in the yard, its always full of squirrels birds and gives a lot of shade. But this is what I walked into on my way to the car this morning. Poor little egg. It is such a beautiful blue color, it didnt even have a chance to live, and think how sad the momma bird is!! I was feeling bad about it, but then I though, I am sure eggs and nests have been falling out of trees since the beginning of time. Well, this week has gone by fast, but I cant wait until the 4th!!


Clint and Sheri said...

Congrats! You made it 1 year! Yea! Poor little birdie egg. Greetings from California!

jake.shalise said...

Hey! Of course I remember you!! You got married SO fun! Looks like you two are having a blast!! Happy One year!!

It's in Taylorsville kind of by SLCC redwood campus and I-15 45th. Let me know if you guys would like to stop by for a look. We're just about to list with a Realtor this week!

Marci said...

Yay! Congrats on your first anniversary. You guys are so cute!