Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our first trip to Kalispell

As you know Gavin travels a lot for his work, which is good news for diesel and I cause we get to tag along! We headed up to Kalispell which is about a two and a half hour drive, and a long way for a little puppy. After going about ten minutes in the wrong direction, we turned around and were on our way. We drove through the prettiest mountains and tunnels, it was nice to get out of town for a little while.

That big crack isn't in the tunnel, that is our wonderful windshield. We haven't been able to budget that in yet, gotta love Dave Ramsey!

We drove around this lake almost the entire trip, it was huge. It's Flathead Lake and it was beautiful. The houses all along the shore had their own docks and boats, we loved it. Diesel was such a good boy the hole ride!

Here he looks a little tired... poor guy

whenever I put my arm around Gav, he would rest on it.

He had tons of fun when we would roll down the window. He would stick his head out and open his mouth and the wind would throw his head back. He was so confused so kept doing it, haha. He also loved just sitting and starring out the back window as we drove, that would make me car sick! We decided to take the car instead of the truck to save some gas even though we invested in a truck to carry him around and a new travel kennel, oh well. We just layed down the back seat and put down a blanket for him to sleep. We all loved Kalispell and hope we get to go back soon.

1 comment:

{M}PG said...

Jealous! I've always wanted to go to Flathead Lake! I've heard all about it, but that is all. Never got to go. Maybe one day? looks like you guys are having fun in Montana! It's a great place. I love watching Diesel get BIG :) Can't wait to see how big...